Media Center
Wilson Ready to Read, Earn Prizes, Have Fun, and Learn! Yes, We Are!
Mission Statement
To promote a love of reading by providing books that are appropriate, fun, and educational also to ensure students are information literate -- able to use research skills to obtain and use information.
Wilson Ready Media Center Rules
We are Respectful: Quiet (Voice Level 0-1), Keep hands and feet to yourself (KHAFAOOTY), Use kind words to others.
We are Responsible: Return books on time, Take good care of books, Always Walk in the Media Center, Have what you need, Keep the Media Center looking better than you found it.
We are Ready: Be on Time, Have a hall pass when you are alone, and Don't ask to go to the restroom or back to your classroom for a book, pen, and/or paper.
Summer Reading
Summer Reading
Where Will You Go This Summer? Join MWE on a reading adventure this summer. Over the next 12 weeks, you will GO on adventures. Click on our Media Center page to access the Choice Board from home.

Extreme Readers Review Club
The Extreme Readers Club is a new club that encourages students to read a tiered level of challenging books. State tests and classroom textbooks contain reading material that is complex so that readers are challenged to read at or above a particular Lexile score. In order to prepare our students for academic success, this club will foster positive reading habits and as result help to raise students’ overall reading and writing comprehension abilities.
Club requirements are challenging, but all students who apply themselves will be able to meet the challenge and become eligible to become a member of our school’s Extreme Readers club. Students must become a member by March 31st.
Club Requirements
Total number of books required: 12.
Books must be at the students current Lexile Level or Guided Reading Level or higher.
1 Book must be valued at 5 points or higher.
Students must complete 12 book reviews using the Extreme Readers Review Book Form
Up to 3 books may be read to the student by a teacher or parent.
Read from These Categories
At least 1 book from (Biographies)
At least 1 books from (Folklore)
At least 1 books from (Countries, History, States)
At least 1 books from (Leisure Arts, Sports, Movies, Music)
At least 1 book from (Sciences, Animals)
At least 7 books from each Fiction Genres (General/Realistic, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Realistic Fiction, Historical Fiction, Mystery/Scary Stories, Sports, Relationships & Romance)
GADD Overdrive has been updated with the Libby App. To sign in, you will need to register with your library card number and create a username and password. The link for e-books and audiobooks: