We are currently seeking applicants for a Paraprofessional position at Matt Wilson Elementary School. The job announcement for this and other available Classified Positions can be found at https://www.tiftschools.com/o/tcs/page/classified-positions. #4theT
about 1 year ago, Dana Spurlin
Career Opportunities Available
MWE Early Dismissal Schedule -Friday, Dec. 15th, 2023 Remember December 15th is a half day for students!
about 1 year ago, Temeka Butts
MWE Early Dismissal Schedule -Friday, Dec. 15th, 2023     December 15th is a half day for students!
Tomorrow is pajama day at Matt Wilson while we take a trip on the Polar Express.
about 1 year ago, Temeka Butts
Matt Wilson Elementary is very thankful for the wonderful support of our families! Our 2nd and 3rd Grade Christmas luncheon was a HUGE success! https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1xZPQAJaObWGxd4jc3JI5Sny04AvRwdjj
over 1 year ago, Kristy Gibbs
Today our 5th grade students toured Eighth Street Middle School to learn about the connections classes that will be offered in middle school. In the coming days, your student will be asked to select their connections classes for next year. Eighth Street Middle School is hosting a question and answer session for parents tonight, December 5, at 5:00. If you would like more information about middle school connections please attend.
over 1 year ago, Temeka Butts
The safety and security of our students and staff is of the utmost importance. Find out more about Social Media Safety in this edition of the Safety and Security Newsletter. https://5il.co/29rxd #4theT
over 1 year ago, Dana Spurlin
Safety and Security Newsletter
Students that have 0 office referrals and meet their grade level criteria are invited to attend The Slow GLOWbe dance party! Each student will get a hot chocolate and sugar cookie. Additional snacks and glow sticks will be sold for $1. We cannot wait to celebrate your positive behavior!
over 1 year ago, Temeka Butts
Students that have 0 office referrals and meet grade level criteria are invited to attend The Slow GLOWbe dance party! Each student will get a hot chocolate and sugar cookie. Additional snacks and glow sticks will be sold for $1. We cannot wait to celebrate your positive behavior!
REMINDER to join us tomorrow night, Tuesday, December 5th, for a "VAPING FACTS WORKSHOP FOR PARENTS" presented by Tift County Schools Security Officer Mark Wynn. 6:00pm - Eighth Street Middle School Cafeteria *Food will be served #4theT
over 1 year ago, Dana Spurlin
Vaping Facts Workshop for Parents
Vaping Facts Workshop for Parents
December Parent Newsletter is now available!
over 1 year ago, Kristy Gibbs
Our PTO Sponsored Santa Store is coming to Matt Wilson Dec. 4th-7th!
over 1 year ago, Temeka Butts
Santa Store is coming Dec. 4th-7th!
Let's come together to learn about vaping! Guest speaker, Resource Officer Mark Wynn, will empower parents with the knowledge they need to guide their children toward healthier choices.
over 1 year ago, Kristy Gibbs
English Vaping
Vaping Spanish
Don't forget about our upcoming workshop "VAPING FACTS FOR PARENTS." The presentation will be made by Tift County Schools Security Officer Mark Wynn. Join us Tuesday, December 5th at 6:00pm in the Cafeteria at Eighth Street Middle School. #4theT *Food will be served
over 1 year ago, Dana Spurlin
Vaping Facts Workshop for Parents
Vaping Facts Workshop for Parents
Parents of 2nd and 3rd graders, it's your turn! We hope you will join us for our Christmas Lunch next Thursday, Dec. 7. Tickets are $5 each.
over 1 year ago, Kristy Gibbs
Congratulations to the following students: Emily Martinez, second place poster and essay contest winner; first-place winner Raelyn Griffin; Tucker Harrison, third-place winner; and June Harper, C.H.A.M.P.S. Student of the Year for Matt Wilson Elementary.
over 1 year ago, Temeka Butts
Fifth-graders in several Tift County schools recently graduated from the C.H.A.M.P.S. program – Choosing Healthy Activities & Methods Promoting Safety, taught by Tift County Deputy Sheriff Sgt. Yuriana Vazquez.    Pictured from left is the mascot "CHAMP" along with Matt Wilson Elementary School students Emily Martinez, who placed second in the poster and essay contest; first-place winner Raelyn Griffin; Tucker Harrison, third-place winner; June Harper, C.H.A.M.P.S. Student of the Year for Matt Wilson Elementary: and Sgt. Vazquez.
Would you like to choose your own schedule, never work nights weekends or holidays, and receive weekly pay? ESS is hiring Substitute Teachers for Tift County Schools. Apply now and attend their Substitute Orientation and Training on Monday, November 27th from 9am - 3pm at the Tift County Schools Administrative Office. #4theT
over 1 year ago, Dana Spurlin
Congratulations to our October Leaders of the Month. Their celebratory breakfast was today at Matt Wilson. Please click on the link below to see their slideshow: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vQ4--TYfroEvVFwwYwR-UBC0MveeXBqutkX4PXRaznk_YYcPBxUfH-fNmPCq45MDcWPkCLAI2WaiMgJ/pub?start=true&loop=true&delayms=3000
over 1 year ago, Temeka Butts
Kindergarten and First grade parents joined our Matt Wilson family for Thanksgiving lunch. Students were able to share some special projects they had been working on as well as quality time and an excellent meal with loved ones. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1o2aa5kQTiNU0-ohOHTFPBCzA-wC8p9DF?usp=sharing
over 1 year ago, Kristy Gibbs
Matt Wilson Elementary honored our Veteran family members with a free Thanksgiving lunch! We are greatly thankful to all of our veterans for your service to our nation! https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1novgmKWUz-i5NxGhTPO2dv3WD5zr9Q_X?usp=sharing
over 1 year ago, Kristy Gibbs
Congratulations to these highly organized individuals!! Your Matt Wilson family is so proud of you for being chosen as the October Leader of the Month for your class. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1VGeq8hMb_U7ya0rqtfey70JQKgOixt85
over 1 year ago, Kristy Gibbs
Ms. Powell's Pre K class had their first mystery reader! The kids loved hearing Ms. Chelsea (a student’s mom) read two books to them.
over 1 year ago, Temeka Butts
Ms. Powell's Pre K class had their first mystery reader!
Ms. Powell's Pre K class had their first mystery reader!
Ms. Powell's Pre K class had their first mystery reader!