Current 5th - 7th graders interested in playing Volleyball next year, don't miss the upcoming Middle School Volleyball Tryouts! See flyer for dates and times. Remember that you must have a current physical on file to participate. Questions? Email #4theT
almost 2 years ago, Dana Spurlin
Middle School Volleyball Tryouts
Join us Friday, April 14th for the 2023 WEAR BLUE DAY as we wear blue to support the prevention of child abuse and neglect. Post your pictures on social media wearing your blue to support this cause with #tiftwearblue2023. #4theT
almost 2 years ago, Dana Spurlin
Wear Blue Day 2023
Don't forget! Student art submissions are due THIS Friday.
almost 2 years ago, Kristy Gibbs
Art Contest
Art Contest Reg form
Autism Acceptance Super Heroes were spotted all over our school Friday!
almost 2 years ago, Kristy Gibbs
Maritza Vazquez placed 1st in the Tifton Kiwanis Art and Music Showcase. Chloe Barnes placed 3rd in the Tifton Kiwanis Art and Music Showcase. Congratulations to these students!
almost 2 years ago, Temeka Butts
 Martitza Vasquez place d 1st in the Tifton Kiwanis Art and Music Showcase.  Chloe Barnes placed 3rd in the Tifton Kiwanis Art and Music Showcase.   Congratuations to these students!
Chloe Barnes placed 3rd in the Tifton Kiwanis Art and Music Showcase.
Mrs. Hughes kindergarten students visited Mrs. Mock's office to show her their love and appreciation!
almost 2 years ago, Kristy Gibbs
Mrs. Hughes class
Mrs. Holly’s students enjoyed their Easter egg hunt today.
almost 2 years ago, Temeka Butts
Holly’s Easter egg hunt
Holly’s Easter egg hunt
Holly’s Easter egg hunt
Holly’s Easter egg hunt
Holly’s Easter egg hunt
Holly’s Easter egg hunt
Our 1st grade field trip to Chehaw Park was a success.
almost 2 years ago, Temeka Butts
1st grade field trip
1st grade field trip
1st grade field trip
1st grade field trip
1st grade field trip
It has been decided that for next school year uniforms will not be required at our PreK - 5 schools. We are working on a comprehensive dress code that will be included in the code of conduct. #4theT
almost 2 years ago, Dana Spurlin
School Uniforms
Mrs. Powell's Pre-K showed their love and appreciation for our Assistant Principal, Mrs. Mock.
almost 2 years ago, Kristy Gibbs
AP Appreciation
Acceptance is our Super Power at M.W.E! And Ms. Taylor's fierce fourth graders are wearing their T-shirts in honor of Autism Acceptance Week today.
almost 2 years ago, Temeka Butts
Acceptance is our Super Power at M.W.E!
M.W.E. is super proud of our Faculty and Staff Members of the Month! Jessica Padgett is our Academic Coach and Aaron Mack is an outstanding paraprofessional. A huge THANK YOU to both of you for your resourcefulness in getting the job done right!
almost 2 years ago, Kristy Gibbs
Faculty Jessica Padgett
Staff Aaron Mack
Congratulations to our March Leaders of the Month!! These students have shown leadership by being resourceful in their learning and problem solving.
almost 2 years ago, Kristy Gibbs
March LOTM
Acceptance is our Super Power at M.W.E!
almost 2 years ago, Kristy Gibbs
AA Month 4/7
Mrs. Amber and Ms. Elisa’s class had a great time during their field trip yesterday.
almost 2 years ago, Temeka Butts
Mrs Amber and Ms Elisa’s class had a great field trip.
Mrs Amber and Ms Elisa’s class had a great field trip.
Mrs Amber and Ms Elisa’s class had a great field trip.
Mrs Amber and Ms Elisa’s class had a great field trip.
Mrs Amber and Ms Elisa’s class had a great field trip.
Mrs Amber and Ms Elisa’s class had a great field trip.
Mrs Amber and Ms Elisa’s class had a great field trip.
Mrs Amber and Ms Elisa’s class had a great field trip.
Mrs Amber and Ms Elisa’s class had a great field trip.
Mrs Amber and Ms Elisa’s class had a great field trip.
Thank you for sharing your love for reading with us, Mrs. B!
almost 2 years ago, Kristy Gibbs
School Librarian Day
M.W.E. loves our AP, Mrs. Mock!!!
almost 2 years ago, Kristy Gibbs
AP Week
It's time to register for the 2023 Summer Baseball/Softball Camp for rising 1st - 8th graders. Visit for information and to download the registration form. Email completed forms to #4theT
almost 2 years ago, Dana Spurlin
Summer Baseball/Softball Camp
Field Day is coming soon! Let's get ready!
almost 2 years ago, Kristy Gibbs
Field Day 2023
April is Autism Acceptance Month!
almost 2 years ago, Kristy Gibbs
AA Month