Community Care Day is coming this Saturday to the Tift County Recreational Department! We hope to see you there!
Spring Picture Day is Thursday, March 9th. Students can dress up for their pictures.
GMAS will be here soon!
Don't forget the GMAS Meeting tomorrow and Extended Hours for the BOOK FAIR!
Don't forget our Book Fair is still going this week! Dates are 3/6/23 thru 3/10/23. Times are 8:00-2:55 Monday-Thursday and 8:00-11:30 Friday.
Mrs. Ring's class as well as several others appreciated our FFA students coming to read to us on Monday. Her students also participated in Hat day on Tuesday.
GMAS Parent Meeting March 7 at 5:00.
Book Fair Extended Hours March 7 3:30-5:00.
We were seeing green throughout the hallways today as several students dressed in green for our third spirit day during Read Across America Week.
To celebrate green eggs and ham day. Mrs. Amber and Ms. Elisa’s class read the book and tried green eggs and ham. They made a prediction on if they would like them or not and then they decided if they liked them after trying them.
Ms. Kelley's class created ecosystem and food chain dioramas, Students researched the climate, plants, and animals of their chosen ecosystem and presented them to the class.
Ms. Deen's kindergarten scientists observed rocks today and recorded their observations!
Ms. Taylor's class also participated in today's Crazy Sock Day at MWE for Read Across America Week on Monday.
Hat day photos
Ms. House/Powell's Pre K class participated in today's Crazy Sock Day at MWE for Read Across America Week.
Mrs. Webster’s class studied “sneaky e” all last week during word study. On Friday, they got to paint the setting of the poem they’ve been reading this week and paint around the “sneaky e” words they found.
Mrs. Webster’s class worked in pairs on Friday to solve two digit addition problems with ten rods and ones.
Don't forget to shop our book fair February 28-March 10th. We have our Granola Bars with Grands event on Thursday, March 2nd, so grandparents can shop with students, and E-Wallet is available to set up.
It is almost time for Tift County Cheer Tryouts! If you have a child in fifth grade, and they would like to try out for any of the squads, please plan to attend a parent meeting next Tuesday, February 28th, at 6:00 pm in the TCHS Commons. #4theT #BTTY
Read Across America Spirit Week February 27th-March 3rd.
Positive Office Referrals are our FAVORITE!! M.W.E. is the place to be!!