MWE School Uniform Drive: We are currently accepting uniform donations.

Matt Wilson students are reading!!! Tucker Swan enjoyed reading while on a golf cart ride. Rowan and Lincoln Hawkins enjoy reading to their animals, especially the ferrets.

Our EL students would like to give a big thank you to our Faculty and Staff with Hispanic Heritage that work hard everyday to make us the best we can be! Happy Hispanic Heritage Month! 5th grade EL student, Mario Palomares helped design the slide.

September Bingo card readers Addisyn Rutland and Caroline Moorman are sharing photos of themselves reading at home. Family pets make great listeners! Keep working on earning those dress down passes!

Album: August Students of the Month
Congratulations to our August Students of the Month!!!
Posted by Matt Wilson Elementary School on Thursday, September 8, 2022

Pre K-Breakfast with Grands was an awesome way to start a Friday for our youngest students.
Posted by Matt Wilson Elementary School on Friday, September 16, 2022

Ms. McCullough's class working hard to develop their writing pieces!

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M.W.E. students Eli & June Ross as well as Emma & Ella Cooper are working on their September Bingo cards by sharing photos of themselves reading at home. They look forward to earning a dress down pass by completing their Family Engagement Calendar by the end of the month.

Mrs. Holly’s class learned about community helpers this week. They baked cookies and served the community helpers that work in our school!

Mrs. Thompson’s class used sweet treats to represent addition today in math class.

Mrs Amber and Ms Elisa’s PreK class worked together to plan a secret pizza party. They had to figure out what ingredients they needed and the recipe they were going to use all while trying to keep it a secret.

The twins in her class helped Ms McCullough teach equal equations and how both sides are the same!

Matt Wilson Elementary is so excited to announce our Leaders of the Month for August 2022! These students were chosen to represent their class for consistently exhibiting the character trait OBEDIENCE.

Friday, Matt Wilson Elementary students and staff participated in Spirit Day/World Milk Day. This one of our photos of a student and staff with milk mustaches wearing Blue Devil gear.

Mrs. Holly’s class learned all about safety signs this week. They learned when to stop and go, what colors mean danger and caution, and what signs to look for when we need help. They even made edible traffic lights!

Mrs. Hobbs's first grade class has been learning about clouds. They read a book called It Looked Like Spilt Milk and connected it to how clouds in the sky are really just clouds, but sometimes they take on the shape of common animals or objects we know. So, those clouds remind us of other things.
After they read the book, they made these art images with blobs of paint (rather than milk) and folded paper. They could see that clouds, spilt milk, and blobs of paint can take on all sorts of images.

Every time Mrs. Webster’s class had great behavior anywhere in the school, Mrs. Webster would write it on a link and staple it to the chain. Today, her class earned the last link to make their Good Behavior Chain touch the floor!! That means it’s time to celebrate with ice cream sundaes!! Excited is an understatement for these kids!

These are just a few of Mrs. Webster’s “smart cookies.” These students earned cookies for doing so well on IXL and showing that they really are “smart cookies!”

Mrs. Powell's Pre K students have been learning where our food comes from this week. After reading From Wheat to Bread, we learned how bread is made! We then enjoyed slices of bread with cinnamon brown sugar butter.